About Us
Avery Point’s Academic Center is the tutoring headquarters for all UConn students at the Avery Point campus. We provide tutoring support for almost every course taught on campus, including math, chemistry, biology, physics, psychology, the humanities, and writing in all disciplines. We also provide guidance in time management and strategies for academic success. We offer one-on-one tutoring, in person and online, synchronously and non-synchronously. We also offer group review sessions and workshops in specific subjects and in general academic success strategies, as well as accountability sessions that help students focus. APAC tutors are current Avery Point students who have excelled in the courses they support and experienced in the tools and skills necessary to succeed.
The APAC is centrally located in ACD 107 and is available to all Avery Point students, and provides a comfortable space for individual tutoring, group tutoring, computer work, research, and study.